Friday, September 15, 2006

Avast, me hearties!

Avast, me hearties! Let it not leave yer mind that September 19th be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Mark yer calendars, else ye be cast out as bilge rats!

In other news, the whole of Pearson Hall smelled like one giant fart on Thursday. This was highly unfortunate, as I had both neurophysiology lecture (8-9:15am) and lab (11am-2pm) in the building that day. I fear I may have departed the building smelling like fart myself. I don't know whose research lab is responsible, but darn them to heck!

Additionally, I am pleased to announce the following things: 1) Good progress is being made in the medical school application process; 2) I picked up new CDs from The Mars Volta, Audioslave, and Dream Theater; 3) I'm reverting back to nocturnalism, though it is likely to only be a Wednesday-Saturday affair weekly; 4) I'm updating! I offer my most profound apologies for my failure to do so in the past month. I lost sight of my mission.

More on each of these updates soon. I will be altering my blogger profile so my real name is no longer associated with it. With this done, I will be able to discuss more freely the application process and give an unedited update of how that's proceeding. 'Til then!

Currently listening to: "Day of the Baphomets" by The Mars Volta
Previous activity: Wasting an entire night's worth of time watching good movies and crappy TV
Next thing on the agenda: Eating, then public opinion & political behavior class

1 comment:

Pants said...

You act as if our night of karaoke together meant NOTHING to you.

That hurts Lukas. Hurts.

This songbird has FLOWN.